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The Preserving Mission Statement

Our story technically begins in April of 2019 when we opened up our record shop in the basement of the district magistrate court here in New Kensington. We started hosting concerts in our 100-cap side room as a way to bring people out to our store.


Crazy idea, right? Maybe not.


About a year later things were going so well with this little venture that we purchased this old, massive church complex built in 1895. It was right next door and we needed to expand our operations. The world shut down on us in the middle of the whole deal and we had the chance to bail out. We decided to forge ahead.


Crazy idea, right? Maybe not.


We were one of the first venues in the country to open back up in full swing with a venture called Preserving Underground. We were hosting 350 people in a packed, sweaty basement in the summer of 2021 and getting back to normal. We never turned people away because of how they wanted to handle their own personal medical decisions.


Crazy idea, right? Maybe not.


Here we are now nearly two years later. We have turned the chapel of our building into a space which is a culmination of the best aspects of all your favorite venues of Pittsburgh Past. We are doing everything in our power to somehow make it even cooler. 


Crazy idea, right? Definitely not.


Do you miss the insanity of seeing a concert in a former church back in the heyday of the legendary Altar Bar?


Perhaps you have been longing for the energy and youthful enthusiasm of the bands coming through what is now the world-renowned Club Laga?


If you're old enough maybe you even miss the unpredictable nature of a gig at the Electric Banana or The Decade?


Maybe you simply miss a venue that operates and is deeply rooted in a punk rock upbringing and believes that a venue can serve as a motivation to "Now, Go Start Your Own Band".


We're pushing the City Limits out to New Kensington for this new venture to partake in this massive revitalization of a city that has been catching both the regional and national spotlight as of late. We are joined by many restaurants and bars and specialty shops in what is quickly becoming the alternative to the nightmare that is traveling into Pittsburgh for a concert.


You'll never find yourself struggling for a parking spot as all street parking is both free and readily available. Most people pull up and park within a block of the venue with no effort. We also have an entire city-block length parking lot available for free public usage on our block and within a 30 second walk of the venue! 


More important than the logistics is the fact that this venue is being built with the fan and artist experience at the forefront of our priorities.


Unlike the other large venues in this area, we are FULLY staffed by active participants in the independent music scenes. Everyone from the door guy to the bartenders to the security guards to the owner and manager live for live music... and you are absolutely going to notice the difference.


You're not going to have to deal with clueless, meathead, bully bouncers.


Bands are never going to have a percentage of their merchandise taken from them.


You aren't going to be taken advantage of with TicketMaster fees and $5 waters.


We aren't going to purposely keep you hostage until midnight with 45 minute changeovers between bands so that we can sell you more alcohol.


We know what make concerts great and what make them suck.


We are here to do everything in our power to prevent you from having to ever see your favorite band in your least favorite venue ever again.


We need your help though.


Spread the word. Tell the bands not only WHERE they need to be playing but WHY. 


Tell them and everyone else what makes our venue so special. If you've been here you already know that the focus is on YOU having a good time and THE BANDS being taken care of properly.


We show actual gratitude for the sacrifices they make by touring around the country to share the art they create with all of us. We don't simply use the bands as a commodity or a means to sell overpriced alcohol.


We all know that what we've seen happen to the live music world over the past few years has been incredibly wack. Consider us a spite venue if you'd like because we've had enough of being taken advantage of and we're here to end the gimmick.


See you all at our first show on Saturday, March 25th with many more to come.


And yes, both Preserving Underground and the DIY Room will still be operating in full swing.


Sincerely, Preserving (The Main Stage?)


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